Our Materials

Unstitching the process

We prioritise only using materials which will return back to Earth harmlessly.

Organic cotton

Our cotton is sourced from farmers which grow through regenerative land management practises, creating fibres which nurture surrounding crops. This creates a bio diverse soil, essential for taking carbon out of the atmosphere and protecting  our planet. Our Organic Cotton is grown pesticide free, synthetic free, unbleached & with no harmful chemicals.


Hemp has the ability to regenerate, restore, and nourish soil, cultivating biodiverse ecosystems. Whilst growing, it bonds carbon to fibre, absorbing 15 tonnes of  CO₂ per 1HA of hemp - our hemp pieces are basically carrying carbon taken from the atmosphere! The method of bleaching our hemp is chlorine free,  healthier for both planet + people.
Repair, Rewear, Reimagine
Repair, Rewear, Reimagine
Repair, Rewear, Reimagine

Mend and Reimagine

At WALKING PROTEST© we don’t discard, we repair, we reimagine, re wear & re generate. Please contact us  to further the life span of your pieces.